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About Us

Our Services

The Inverness Public Utility District provides both fire protection and municipal water service to its service area within the unincorporated community of Inverness, California (population 1,400 est.). IPUD’s service area encompasses some 1,600 acres, of which 500-600 acres are watershed.  The District Offices are located in downtown Inverness, behind the Post Office.

Our Community

The community of Inverness is located in the western part of Marin County, on the west shore of Tomales Bay north of San Francisco. It is bounded on the north by Tomales Bay State Park, on the west and south by Point Reyes National Seashore, and on the east by Tomales Bay and Lagunitas Creek. The Inverness area defined by the County’s Inverness Community Plan encompasses 3,500 acres including 205 acres of tidelands and residential clusters along Inverness Ridge to the south served by Inverness Public Utility District.

Our Volunteer Fire Department

The Volunteer Fire Department has two paid positions, (Fire Chief & Assistant Fire Chief) and approximately 18  volunteers from the West Marin community. The Fire Department responds to emergency calls within the Inverness Service Area and is dispatched as needed to support neighboring agencies. Volunteers attend monthly training drills and frequent CERT training with Marin County Fire. 

Our Watershed

The Inverness Public Utility District watershed covers some 580 acres of the northeasterly slopes of Mt. Vision (elev. 1,283 ft) on the Point Reyes Peninsula in western Marin County.  The overall watershed is comprised of a series of smaller watersheds identified as First Valley, Second Valley, and Third Valley.  The watershed is entirely upslope from the town of Inverness.  The most important 373 acres of the watershed are in public ownership. The District effectively manages the entire publicly owned watershed, including the portion owned by the State Park.  It is bounded to the north by Tomales Bay State Park, to the west by the Point Reyes National Seashore, to the east by the town of Inverness, and to the south by the North Marin Water District.

Vegetative cover in the watershed includes extensive stands of bishop pine forests (the predominant cover type), California bay laurel, alder stands along the lower drainages, some upland marshlands, and some coastal scrub.   The watershed soils are primarily coarse sandy loam complex on 50-75% slopes.  The surface layer is 0- 6 inches deep over quartz-diorite (decomposed granite).  Runoff is rapid and the hazard of water erosion is high.  Slopes tend to be unstable.  Substantial slope failures occurred along the entire Inverness Ridge during the storm of January 1982

Our Water

The Inverness Public Utility District utilizes water captured from springs and streams off Inverness Ridge that has a unique geology primarily composed of granitic rock.  The water is of high quality because of this geology and the diversion elevation that puts it in a relatively pristine portion of the watershed.

Treatment of the already clean water is enhanced with a dual filtration system that removes particles down to 0.03 microns and lower including bacteria and viruses such as  E. coli, Giardia, and  Cryptosporidium.   Prior to the water entering the IPUD distribution system, a low-level amount of chlorine is added as required to meet regulatory standards.  Please see the link below for additional information on our excellent water quality on our annual Consumer Confidence Report. 

CCR 2023 - final.pdf

The Numbers

Service Area (square miles)2.5
Estimated Population1,400 (est.)
Filter Plants2
Treated Water Storage Tanks10
Raw Water / Treated Water Storage Capacity (gallons)440,000
Miles of Pipeline10.14
Pump Stations6
Pressure Zones5
Number of Fire Hydrants74
FY 2022/23 Water Production (gallons)19,845,000
Avg. Gallons per day per Active Customer FY 2022/23 (gallons)72.6 to 118.8
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