Water Tank Replacement Projects
Background: The Inverness Public Utility District (District) has 9 tanks in the system of which 3 are redwood and 6 are steel. There is a total storage capacity of roughly 438,000 gallons that can supply 4 to 6 days of typical system demand for domestic potable use in normal weather conditions. The problems specific to the redwood tanks are: 1) Seismically unsafe; 2) Leaking; 3) Producing higher chlorine demand loads; and, 4) Vulnerable to fire hazards. The District’s Capital Improvement Program (presented in November 2016), identified the replacement of the most vulnerable tanks.
Tenney Tank Project: The completion of the Tenney Tank Replacement Project in June 2023, with a low interest loan from the State Water Resources Control Board, enhanced the resiliency of the system storage for the domestic drinking and life safety aspect as a fire water supply for Inverness. The two redwood tanks were replaced by two bolted steel tanks that meet seismic statndards and the storage increased from 80,000 to 118,000 gallons to help ensure sufficient capacity in future dry weather and drought years.
Colby and Seahaven Tank Replacement Project: The current project is underway with the help of a $1.2 million grant from the Department of Water Resources and the Federal Infrastructure Act. The Colby site has one steel tank and 3 redwood tanks for a total storage capacity of 130,000 gallons. The plan is to replace the 3 redwood tanks with one bolted steel tank that can maintain the storage capacity at the tank site. The Seahaven tank site has 2 tanks, one steel and one redwood tank which will be replaced with a bolted steel tank. The hope is to maintain or increase the storage capacity at the Seahaven tank site. Both sites are in the drafting stage for each site and has a target completion date of June 2025.
Reason for Categorical Exemption: This project is categorically exempt under CEQA Article 19 Categorical Exemption, 15301(b)-Existing Facilities. This Project undertakes no expansion of use by the District in providing domestic drinking water for the town of Inverness. The project is also exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). The activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment the activity is not subject to CEQA.